What Are The Benefits Of Using Acne Soap

If you have very severe acne, (Acne Conglobata) characterized by deep abscesses, inflammation severe damage to the skin and scarring then read no further, you must consult with a dermatologist. On the other hand, if your acne less severe, the kind experienced by most acne sufferers, acne soap can be a very smart, very economical choice.

Acne soaps – as opposed to OTC treatments offers the acne suffer many advantages. Nothing can be simpler than washing your acne away. Simply substituting your regular soap with acne soap is easy and more pleasant than repeatedly applying chemical treatments. Another important benefit of using soap, and it depends on which soap you use, there are usually no chemical residues left on the skin. Thats helpful particularly if you have sensitive skin.
Finally, acne is not confined to the face alone. Outbreaks appear on the shoulders, back, legs and chest. What other delivery system covers an area as wide as that better than a soap. Youd have to use a lot of expensive chemical based crmes or ointments to cover that all of that.

A brief history of acne soap:

Medicinal soaps have been around for a long time. Glycerin was a popular ingredient from the beginning. It purported to treat acne through a drying process. Then minerals were added in every shape and variety under the premise that nourishing the skin was also helpful for acne. Of course, Aloe Vera became popular for its soothing properties. The list goes on: perfumes, keratolytic agents, sodium peroxides, sulphur were all added into different brands to gain market share or to position themselves as unique.

Today theres anew approach to treating acne with soap. These soaps use proprietary combinations of natural essential oils known for their antibacterial properties. They are designed to treat acne for what it really is: a bacterial infection. Some of these 21st century soaps also include mild natural exfoliates to clear dead skin as part of the treatment. These new natural acne soap are not just home brewed remedies for the sake of creating an organic product. They base their formulas on worldwide clinical studies. Its a perfect synergy of scientific study combined with natural holistic healing.

Information on acne soap can be obtained online. You can start with one product I know to be effective is acne soap by Natracil.com. Theyve pioneered the new natural approach to treating skin infections. They use only pharmaceutical quality essential oils in the proper proportions, potencies and quality. Their scientific research and clinically trials can be found on their website.

Another soap company you can look at is DefenseSoap.com. Although they market to a specialized niche contact sport athletes its also known to be helpful for acne.

If you suffer from acne, the new natural acne soaps can help. They are effective, simple to use and generally, wont be too harsh on your skin or your wallet.

June 7, 2018 | Category: Acne

Reviw Of Virgin Cream Vagina Tightening Medicine

Virgin cream is an ayurvedic herbal formulation geared towards treating problem of loose or slack vagina caused due to child birth or aging. The company is full of confidence about the efficacy of this product and is offering a full money back guarantee if it does not work. Women having a loose vagina will surely like to have an insight about this product and its success rate.

Let us first examine some of its ingredients
Shea butter, Aloe Vera, Squalene, Asian soy, de-ionized water, soluble vitamin A, soluble vitamin E, sorbitol.

Out of all these herbs the most important ingredient seems to be Asian soy which has been traditionally used for firming and regenerating a new elasticity in the vagina by Asian women. Other important ingredient is L- Arginine which has been found highly effective in increasing female libido by increasing blood supply to the women sexual organs.

Products Website
The website is quite informative in nature and has a separate section where one can know about all health related problems and their alternative herbal remedies. The virgin cream can be brought directly from the website which is a good thing as it gives a global reach to the product. The website also offers full money back guarantee for up to 60 days.

Final Analysis
Large number of positive customer testimonials and money back guarantee plus a very informative website does create a feeling of confidence in the product. The pricing has also been kept affordable as compared to vagina tightening surgery which can dig a hole in the pocket. All in all it seems to be worth trying out virgin cream and enhance your lovemaking sessions.

Effective Homemade Remedies For Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer existing in the world. A lot of research and studies have been conducted for discovering and inventing the remedies for this serious disease.

It is a type of harmful, malignant growth affecting the skin of about one million people in a year in U.S.A. There are several causes such as severe sun burns, long term exposure to Ultra violet rays and a lot of others.

You need to do something about the condition of your skin as soon as you observe some of the warning signs. Some of the indications include change in the appearance of the skin such as a mole or sore that does not heal.

Skin cancer can occur in the following forms:

a)Basal Cell Carcinoma

b)Squamous Cell Carcinoma


– Basal Cell Carcinoma

This is referred to as the most common type of skin cancer. It does not spread to other parts of the body. It can invade other tissues surrounding the area.

– Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of cancer usually appears on the face, lips or rims of the ear. It starts from the squamous cells that are found in the tissues that forming the surface of the skin, respiratory and digestion tracts and lining of the hollow organs of your body. Reddish or Brownish wart lesions or nodules on forehead and cheeks.

– Melanoma

It is considered to be the most serious form of skin cancer as it tends to spread all over the body in a short period of time. The cancer may ooze bleed or itch. It is not painful.

There are several effective home remedies for treating skin cancer.

Here are some of the great remedies to try out:

– Coconut oil or butter remedy

Virgin coconut oil or butter is a good home remedy for skin care. It makes a good moisturizer and provides a good protective larger that locks in natural moisture as it has good solidifying property. You need to place the coconut butter in small lip palm or eye cream jars. You can also put it in a small sterilized jar.

– Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great skin care remedy. It has been used effectively to treat dry skin, burns, insect bites and skin irritations. It is also good for acne, cuts and abrasions.

– Honey

Honey softens the skin and reduces wrinkles. It also adds to the glow of the skin.

– Ayurvedic Remedy

This is a holistic approach and does a lot of good to the skin.

– Skin cleansers

It cleanses the skin and removes dead cells from the surface of the skin. It will also remove the dust and dirt that chokes the pores on the skin. Try making cleansers at home via using vegetable oils, coconut oil and water. Sesame, palm and coconut oils make good cleansers. Seaweeds can also strengthen the immunity and healthy functions of the skin via providing the minerals required.

– Skin toners

Toning of the skin with lemon oil and lavender oil is good. You can also add vitamin C crystals as a preservative and antioxidant. When using witch hazel, make sure you combine it with moisturizers such as vitamin E and honey.

– Water

Drink at least six glasses of water to moisturize your skin.

All the above mentioned home remedies for skin cancer treatment are powerful and effective. You can try some of these to benefit from them.

However, you need to take to your doctor prior to using these methods to avoid any type of side effects that may occur.

December 16, 2017 | Category: Cancer

Acne Cure And Treatment, Get A Clear Skin Now!

Acne is the bane of adolescence which may overshadow your adulthood. Acne a skin condition, that causes pimple and skin irritation is common in teenagers and young adults. Acne primarily appears in the oil producing regions of the body like the face, the chest and the back. It is also noticeable on upper arms and neck. If acne is left untreated, it can develop into scars that may be difficult to go away. There are two types of acne: non inflammatory-blackheads and white, and inflammatory which are in the form of red blemishes which may or may not have pus in them.

Why does acne appear: There are three reasons for acne to appear:

1. Bacteria: Propionibacterium, a bacteria which thrives on the skin is the major cause of acne.

2. Rapid increase in androgens: The male sex hormone which is found in both girls and boys in puberty, called androgen; is among the major reasons for acne proliferation. The hormone causes the sebaceous glands of the skin to produce more sebum which results in acne. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or stopping or starting of birth control pills are another reason.

3. Genetic: Acne can be inherited genetically too.

Though acne starts at 10-13 years of age, it disappears on its own by early 20s. However in some cases, it can last in the late 20s and even beyond that.

Does acne affect men and women equally

Yes, but there is a difference in the occurrence and pattern of acne. For men, acne lasts longer but women are likely to experience irregular acne due to hormonal changes triggered by menstrual cycle and usage of cosmetics.

What increases acne:

1. Oils from skin care and beauty products like cosmetics can increase acne. It also increases if you are working in a greasy environment like the kitchen.
2. Wearing tight clothes, tight collars and compact helmets can also cause acne increase.
3. Pollution and humidity are also causative factors for acne.
4. Scrubbing the skin too hard, squeezing, itching or picking on acne blemishes can worsen the condition.
5. Hormonal changes two to seven days before the menstrual cycle can also cause acne.
6. Worry and stress are no doubt, another major factor for acne to increase.
7. Chronic constipation is another major reason for acne. If the bowels do not empty properly, the blood stream gets mixed with toxic matter. The skin tries to get rid of the excess waste in the form of acne and other skin disease.

How to fight acne naturally

Wash your face twice daily with a mild face wash to remove excess oil. Avoid excess make-up, go for water based cosmetics instead of oil based ones. It is important to wear skin care products that are ‘noncomedogenic’. This means the product does not cause or increase acne. Drink lots of water, 10-12 glasses daily so that you are able to get rid of excess toxins in the form of urine, sweat or motions. A healthy diet comprising fruit, vegetables, sprouts and juices can give you a fantastic looking skin.

The herbal remedies to cure yourself of acne include mixing natural yogurt and fine oatmeal to a thick paste, applying it on the skin and leaving it to dry. Later you can apply an antibiotic lotion depending on your skin type. Another great natural method to treat acne is usage of Aloe Vera. Use aloe vera gels or soaps to heal acne damaged skin and acne scars. Consult a dermatologist if herbal methods to cure acne fail.

Treatment for acne:

Consult a good dermatologist for acne cure. Do not take self-medicate. The doctor will prescribe pill, ointments or lotions that can kill the bacteria that causes or increase the acne condition

December 5, 2017 | Category: Acne

How To Manage Acne During Pregnancy

The skin disease, acne, is common during pregnancy. Its time of onset is mostly the 1st trimester. But it can happen during other stages too. During pregnancy the illness reveals itself in the form of blackheads, cysts and pustules that are visible on the back, chest or face.

You can take a number of drugs to treat acne during pregnancy. This includes erythromycin and clindamycin that are available in topical form in the form of skin creams as well as oral medications.

There are certain acne treatment medications that you should stay away from if you are pregnant. Retinoids is one category of anti acne medication that you must refrain from. Some of the commonly used retinoids for acne treatment include Tretinoin, adapalene, and isotretinoin. These medications should not be used either externally or orally else they could cause malformation of the fetus.

Acne can also be treated during pregnancy through natural treatments. The most common natural option is to gently rub ice on the acne-infected skin surfaces. Another easily available option is Aloe Vera juice that can be applied externally to the affected regions. Yet another therapy is the application of a mixture of rose water and lemon juice skin. A combination of cinnamon powder and honey can also be very helpful to cure acne during this period. Additionally, a paste of milk and turmeric and sandalwood powders can be also be of great help.

A thoroughly selected dose of vitamins taken frequently is a particularly safe method to relieve acne during pregnancy. Vitamin A supplement can be employed to good effect. Vitamin B5 is useful to control damaging skin discharges and thus reduce acne cuts. Vitamins C and E are strong antioxidants and help eliminate skin inflammation. Chromium controls skin condition by melting sugars that play a catalyst role in the development of acne. Zinc is another useful option to heal acne infections and revive the ruined skin.

Along with all these scientific actives you must follow a stern cleanliness regime to reduce acne during pregnancy. You need to clean your face in the morning and night with a gentle cleaner to keep it oil free. You can also use an oil absorbent microfiber cloth to take in the oil from your skin. You need to put a layer of oil-free moisturizer on your skin after drying it. You need to keep your hands away from acne. While washing, rub the influenced area gently and duck spreading the bacteria to other parts of your body.

Lastly, but most importantly, you need to drink lots of water daily. It is the safest option to keep acne at bay during pregnancy. You need to also have a daily schedule of exercises. Exercises excrete out the poisons from the body in the shape of sweat. They also push the blood circulation which helps the skin to tone and regain excellent health.

April 11, 2017 | Category: Acne